Piazza della Repubblica 7-9, 20121 Milan
Ph: +39 02 45413500
Fax +39 02 45413509
Via XII Ottobre 3, 16123 Genoa
Ph: +39 010 5446401
Fax +39 010 587898
Why focus on technology
In a world of dizzying change, even the insurance industry is going through a phase of rapid evolution. Faced with such epic and transversal changes, Gruppo Lercari has integrated expertise, critical mass and an orientation towards service, with a wide range of services that go beyond investigations and assessments for even better customer support. This is with regard to the time of undersigning and/or transfer of the risk, as well as in the management of after-sales, of any crisis situations and emerging risks, with a multidisciplinary and disruptive approach.
Why the APP?
With a view to developing the market, Gruppo Lercari wants to enrich its insurance offering through dedicated innovative services, simplifying the process of claims notification and handling, and minimising the handling impact.
In brief:
- a mobile application for notification of claims;
A choice strongly motivated by:
- The increasing popularity of mobile devices;
- Continuous growth in the use of “smart” technology;
- Practicality of use, anywhere and without barriers;
For whom and when?
The solution is presented to the Insured Parties through a mobile application that allows claims to be reported via smartphones and tablets, following a simple and intuitive guided process that increases customer satisfaction, whilst reducing the handling impact of the procedure.
- A “turnkey” service package, immediately operational from the time of delivery.
Consider that the Gruppo Lercari offers a “video loss adjusting” service, for which we have implemented a special mobile solution.
A mobile application solution that has been fully developed by Gruppo Lercari’s IT division, the main function of which is guiding the claim reporting process.
The application solution is modelled on and customised to the preferences and requests of the customer, whilst keeping the focal points in place.
- Client Profile
- Report a Claim
- News
- Help
- FAQs
Strong points
- Elevated usability: the user navigates the interface in a simple and efficient way;
- Speed: the application permits the reporting of the claim much more quickly than is possible through traditional channels (such as regular post, email);
- Clarity: few functions, all recognisable, using a simplified language;
- Immediacy: the simplicity of the application allows for immediate use, without the need for any training or a long registration process.
- Completeness: the application permits the completion of a formally-complete report in the collation of information and photographic and formal documentation, avoiding or limiting further processes in the collection of the same.