An historical and strategic business area for Lercari, whose name has now become synonymous with loss assessments of excellence thanks to its ability, in a world characterised by profound and continuous change , of "managing change" and adapting to the continuous developments and diversification of insurance and risks, including those referred to as "emerging" . At a time of globalisation, which has led them to abandon the traditional model of having one generalist loss adjuster, the Group has developed a multidisciplinary management approach that includes activating - on a case by case basis in a targeted way – a comprehensive team including the best professionals with skills related to the case they are entrusted with.

Loss adjusting and surveying services, in Italy and worldwide

The loss adjuster has always been called on in the field of the insurance industry, and plays a crucial role. In addition, to being - almost always - the first (and, very often, the only) person clients come into contact with after the occurrence of a loss . His performance has a significant impact on the achievement of business results , both in qualitative and quantitative terms. Continuous attention to market developments, know-how and the ability to catalyse his expertise and best loss assessment practices are the basic building blocks on which Lercari have generated value for its customers. These goals have been achieved by using the most advanced IT tools and activating dedicated structures and partnerships to meet plurality and diversity in demands , with modular and customised solutions depending on the needs of individual Principals , be it for small, major and complex or corporate claims management, in Italy or anywhere else in the world. Thanks to its extensive geographical presence in Italy, the worldwide presence of Lercari International ( a London based firm established within English law , 100% controlled by the Lercari family) and its partner Sedgwick's network , has become a global player, offering loss adjusting and surveying services in Italy and abroad.

Making value

To become part of Lercari,'s team of loss adjusters/surveyors, you need to have technical knowledge combined with an in-depth specialist experience of contract assessment and expertise in insurance regulations. Qualified experts in the field of risk management complement this professional profile, who combines analytical skills in brokering with mediation and interpersonal relationship know-how. Particular attention is paid to training and updating employees skills for which a mentoring plan is produced during the introductory phase, as well as systematic tutoring and updating , throughout the professional relationship , by way of promotion and specialisation in specific subjects .




Transport Division

Electrical Phenomenon