Piazza della Repubblica 7-9, 20121 Milan
Ph: +39 02 45413500
Fax +39 02 45413509
Via XII Ottobre 3, 16121 Genoa
Ph: +39 010 5446401
Fax +39 010 587898
Introduction to video-loss adjusting
Gruppo Lercari has implemented an innovative solution for the management of claims based on mobile phone "video-loss adjusting".
The solution allows the insured to carry out the loss adjusting directly and personally simply downloading an App on his mobile phone. All under the supervision of one loss adjuster/claims adjuster connected via video call.
The insured is enabled to shoot the damaged parts during the video-call, under the guidance of the loss adjuster, connected in real-time. In real time, the loss adjuster sees the damaged parts, shoots the photographs, and communicates with the damaged party.
Following the video call, the loss adjuster draws up the estimate of the damage and, through the App, proposes the settlement to the Insured, that can be accepted by the damaged party still by means of the App.
For whom and when
The solution is proposed to the insureds, whether they are single damaged parties or Condomimium Managers, for Small Claims with the following characteristics:
- Water damage, Search and repair of the damage - amount of the damage to be agreed with the Principal (i.e. within the PL)
- Theft - amount of the damage to be agreed with the Principal
- Glass
- Motor claims
How the first contact takes place
First of all, it will be checked if the loss adjusting can be carried out in the "Video-Loss adjusting" mode.
In the event that the Insured is not willing to use the Video-Loss adjusting, the Traditional Loss adjusting takes place.
We point out that the Video-Loss adjusting is not an obligation but only an opportunity for the Insured.
Contact Center
The first contact is made by:
The e-mail is sent in copy to the Insurance agency, to allow the Agent to become involved in the claims handling procedure, to provide any support and potentially to use the event to formulate further commercial proposals.
If the insured is interested in the video-loss adjusting, he/she downloads and installs the App through a link provided, logs in with the access code and access the features of the App.
The e-mail includes:
- an informative introduction to the video-loss adjusting explaining the methods of execution and the advantages for the Insured, as well as the operative instructions to carry out the video-loss adjusting
- The link of the store which allows the Insured to download and install the App on his/her own device.
- the access code that the insured must enter at login to access the features of the App.
- reference data ofthe case file
- telephone number of the call center to allow the Insured to collect further in-depth information, clarifications and/or explanations.
Containing a subset of the data and information reported in the e-mail.
Video loss adjusting flow
- The loss adjuster acquires (during a video-call) the information regarding the damage.
- The Insured can share, by means of photographs, any additional documentation through the related function of acquisition of additional documentation.
- The loss adjusting can take place: the loss adjuster guides the Insured indicating the points to be filmed.
- The application is equipped with suitable IT tools of calculation to support the loss adjuster/claims adjuster for an accurate and precise quantification of the damage from remote (such as: tools to check the measurements from DEVICE);
- The loss adjuster can record short snapshots of the audio and video stream of the video call. The insured will be able to take the pictures.
- During the inspection the loss adjuster estimates the damage using the estimate functions available on the App.
- After completing the inspection the loss adjuster proposes the compensation to the insured (PL limit (?)) according to all the information and data emerged and estimated during the on-line inspection, and the examination of documentation and policy.
- The Insured can accept (or refuse) the offer by means of the App. If he/she accepts, he/she signs the acceptance on the screen of the App, or by means of an audio recording.
- After completing this stage, the case file follows the regular handling iter of the case files in PL.
- If theinsured refuses the offer, the case file is handled according to the regular iter expected for these case files: the Traditional loss adjusting or the Specific Repair is proposed to the insured.
- If, following the video-loss adjusting, the loss adjuster cannot formulate an offer, or understands that the case file cannot be handled according to this procedure, he will complete the video-loss adjusting with a site inspection.
Strong points
- Decrease in time of settlement of the loss;
- Telephone Centre H24/365 days a year;
- First contact (sms, e-mail) within 36 h;
- Alternatively, possibility to choose the Traditional Loss Adjusting and/or specific repair options;
- “Turnkey” handling of the loss or rather from the assignment to the occurred restoration, replacing the indemnity;
- possibility of the Insurance Agent to carry out personally the loss adjusting, with all the commercial benefits deriving from it;
- Portal for Agency and Insured: all the data and information pertaining to the status of the case file - from its opening to its progress/settlement - are available in a single "container" shared among all the players in the process (parties involved in the loss).