Head Offices
Piazza della Repubblica 7-9, 20121 Milan
Ph: +39 02 45413500
Fax +39 02 45413509
E-mail lercari.mi@lercari.it
Via San Sebastiano 19, 16123 Genoa
Ph: +39 010 5446401
Fax +39 010 587898
E-mail lercari@lercari.it

Lercari - Domestic Loss Adjusting
Since 1879, Lercari, which gives its name to the eponymous Group, has been an ancient expert Society, the culmination of the activities of an ultra-secular Family in the loss adjusting field, focused on domestic loss adjusting activities, with a presence throughout the national territory via:
18 direct Offices Including - in addition to it’s historical HQ in Genoa - the new office in Milan, which opened in 2013, in the central area of Piazza della Repubblica 7-9, where the group works since the year 2000.
Having reached the heights of 140 years of history, and being aware of the profound changes that characterise the insurance industry, it was certainly the first, and probably the only company, to develop a new advanced management model by adopting a multi-disciplinary - all in one - managerial approach that involves the activation, on a case by case basis, of teams of the best qualified professionals.
Our technology
Lercari is committed to providing an excellent service of loss assessment, and for this reason it is equipped with the most innovative solutions in the field of Information Technology to support the professionalism of its collaborators.
The development and adoption of Step has resulted in simplifying the complex process of loss assessment , reducing the margin of error through:
- An increased automation and standardization of roles and procedures of assessment.
- More than ten years of experience in this field.
- The enhancement of the exchanges of information among the operators, between loss adjusters and the Insurance Company and between the loss adjusters and the Insured Company.
- Filing of documents and the use of relational database for tracking the activities carried out, with the relevant information.
- Use in motion by means of a latest generation tablet.
- Non-adjustable geo-referencing of the site inspection activity.
Certification of Loss Assestment
An advanced software solution has been developed, which, in addition to supporting the expert in the data collection during the visits on site and in the check and registration of the damages, also allows to provide reasonable assurance to the principals regarding the actual execution of the visit on site and as well as evidence that all the steps and acquisition of information described in the report have been properly taken.
This operational tool enables automatic transfer of the information entered into the system to Step central database with significant time saving and cost benefits compared to the old hard copy files.
- The direct connection prevents from operating changes to the case file after sending it to the server thus eliminating the risk of loss and alteration of the original data
- The software is available from the portable devices supported by Android with optimization for the specific model Tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab
Our Certifications
Certified 922/97/S Genoa Headquarter