Via Roma 8a, 16121 Genoa
Ph: +39 010 5446670
Fax +39 010 5446674
E-mail sircus@sircus.it
Via XII Ottobre 3, 16121 Genoa
Ph: +39 010 5446670
Fax +39 010 5446674
E-mail sircus@sircus.it
Piazza della Repubblica 7-9, 20121 Milan
Ph: +39 02 45413570
Fax +39 02 45413579
E-mail sircus@sircus.it

Sircus is a Service Lercari Division focused on Claims Management Outsourcing. In over twenty years, it has developed a significant experience in the risks with a huge economic impact management which otherwise, for reasons of scale, would require its customers to invest in human resources and process. It collaborates with the major insurance companies, Public Entities, Industries and Manufacturing Companies, Utilities and Services in all insurance branch.
An innovative and tailor made solution for claims management
On the basis of its know-how and experience developed in the relationship with its customers, Sircus has "anticipated the change" by progressively diversifying its offer which new service offer in therms of full or partial cliams outsourcing services (from reporting to claim handling and settlement). Sircus operations are enabled by an inhouse developed IT and reporting solution allowing the Customer to minimize the investment and time to market,
A high added value service level
The underwriting process normally ends within the policy year, the life of the claim management takes a long term developement.
The services offered by Sircus are at high added value, i.e. "claims due diligence", "closed and/or open file review", run-off, recovery and recourse management, as well as by Trust Fund settlement.
Sircus Claims handling has a proactive approach are focused on careful analysis of the insurance conditions claims and jurisprudential interpretation on the subject, aimed at identifying the peculiarities of the cases to reduce dispute and monitoring of the main KPIs.